Report Evenings will be held on: Thursday 27 July and Monday 31 July 3.30 pm – 7.00 pm both days.
This is an opportunity to discuss the upcoming middle of year report which will be available before the evening. We strongly encourage you to attend a meeting and to bring along your student.
To arrange a meeting you need to do the following:
Go to
A school code is required, which is:
Year 7 & 8
You will meet with your Base Camp Teacher only
Year 9 – 13
Enter the code in the box as shown, it is case sensitive.
Once you have completed the process an email will be sent confirming your chosen times. These times can be changed again if needed by returning to the web page.
You will need to know the subjects and the names of your students’ teachers. Some parents have found it difficult to find the teacher against their subject,click herefor a list which should help you.
All meetings will be held in Aonga Ake
At both Report Evenings we will have support people from tertiary providers available to talk with whānau. These will include Lincoln University, Ara – Te Pūkenga, SIT – Te Pūkenga. University of Canterbury will be in attendance for the Monday only. Tertiary providers cannot attend for the entire evening but are prioritising the time around our 5.00 – 5.30pm presentation. They will be based with our Careers Department for the evening.
We look forward to seeing you at the meetings.