Hillmorton's Uniforms

Fostering Pride and Unity Through Our School Attire

The tidy wearing of correct uniform, or respecting the Year 13 Dress Code, are conditions of attendance at Hillmorton High School.  Full correct uniform is to be worn to, from and at school; when students are identifiable as Hillmorton High School students in a public place or at a function where the wearing of school uniform is required. Our uniforms can be purchased in-store or online from NZ Uniforms.

NZ Uniforms
44-HHS Grounds 2024-01
45-HHS Grounds 2024-10

Empowering Learning Through Personal Technology

“Learning is a journey of growth, creativity, and discovery at Hillmorton High School.”

We have identified that a Chromebook is a great device for all students at Hillmorton High School.  Chromebooks are a reasonable cost, have a fast start up time, all day battery life, work both offline and online, have consistent performance over lifetime of the  device and are not susceptible to viruses or malware. They integrate with Google Apps for Education which is our main learning platform. 

Make sure your Chromebook has a protective case to protect it from accidental damage. 

Insurance – Damage to your child’s Chromebook or other device will never be covered by Hillmorton High School. A Chromebook is often priced below the cost of your insurance excess, so you should take advantage of some of the extended warranty / Insurance offers from our retail partners. 

Chromebooks may be purchased from any store. WINZ Chromebooks can also be financed through WINZ for families on lower incomes. You do not need to be a WINZ client and we understand that no interest is charged. You don’t have to be on a benefit to qualify for this help, you will have to pay the money back. More information can be found at this location https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/children/school-uniforms-and-stationery.html#null Specifications Chromebooks come in several different configurations, The specifications that will make your Chromebook a little faster and more usable are RAM (4Gb or higher) Storage (16Gb, 32Gb or more), and processor and speed (opt for intel and 4 rather than 2 cores). Screen sizes and Wi-Fi specs are quite consistent across different models and the better ones will cost a little more. Note: If you already have a Chromebook, please ensure it has been removed from your previous schools’ “Google Management Console” as we cannot do this for you. You cannot use the Chromebook at Hillmorton High until this has been done.

Optionally, parents can request that their child’s Chromebook is added to the Google Management Console. The benefits for being connected to GMC are as follows:


  • Gives Parents better assurance for their child’s safety while using their chromebooks.
  • Filters / Blocks inappropriate material
  • Blocks certain apps and extensions from being loaded
  • Ability to disable chromebook if
    • Misplaced
    • Lost
    • Stolen
    • Swapped with another student’s device

Some limitations at present for being connected to GMC are as follows:

  • GMC filtering service still filters internet at home on this device (safe search)
  • Students are restricted to using only their school logon on this device, however they are able to open another tab within the chrome browser and log into any email address and access social media such as Facebook.
  • All students must read and sign our school cyber safety user agreement, which you can read via the link.
  • Internet use is filtered by N4L (Network for Learning) and logs are made of all use.
  • Social Media is blocked by our filtering procedures.
  • The use of VPN and proxy software to bypass filtering will result in automatic removal from the network.
  • Each student has an individual password for their account, this password should never be shared.
  • Netsafe http://www.netsafe.org.nz is the best place for information and resources for internet safety at home.
  • You could make the house rule that devices are used in the living space where screens can be seen.
  • Contact your internet provider to ask about a router with internet filtering.
  • You can manage the control of the Chromebook as the parent. By doing this you can allow access to specific people only. 
  • Please be aware there are several considerations that you need to make when purchasing a device:
    • Insurance
    • Touch Screen
    • Chromebook Processor Speed
    • Management Console
    • How a Parent Can Make a Chromebook Safer at Home
    • Choosing a Chromebook Bundle
    • Netsafe http://www.netsafe.org.nz is the best place for information and resources for internet safety at home.
    • You could make the house rule that devices are used in the living space where screens can be seen.
    • Contact your internet provider to ask about a router with internet filtering.
    • You can manage the control of the Chromebook as the parent. By doing this you can allow access to specific people only. 
    • Please be aware there are several considerations that you need to make when purchasing a device:
      • Insurance
      • Touch Screen
      • Chromebook Processor Speed
      • Management Console
      • How a Parent Can Make a Chromebook Safer at Home
      • Choosing a Chromebook Bundle

At Hillmorton students are expected to bring their own internet-capable devices to school fully charged and ready to use every day. We use Google Applications for Education and these tools, along with our Hapara Teacher Dashboard and other learning software packages, allow staff to enhance the learning for all students. 

We firmly believe the best approach to learning is a blended approach, where the primary focus is on the learning rather than the tools used to deliver it. Blended learning draws from many teaching styles such as group work, discussion and presentation and digital tools support this rich learning environment through collaboration, feedback and access to varied media.

In all subjects, classes will be conducted using either Hapara, Google Classroom, or other online tools. So, it is essential for your child to have a device suitable for the modern classroom.

If you feel that you would be unable to provide a suitable device for your child, please contact the school as early as possible. There are a number of options available to ensure all students have a device every day.

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